This is my first attempt at game development coming from zero experience. I have no prior experience in game dev or programming. So I set out to learn Godot and this is where I'm at in my first 1.5 weeks. I started out trying to learn GDScript, then tried the test project in the Godot documentation, and then Brackeys' wonderful tutorial on making your first game in Godot. This is where "Brack Knight" stems from.

I decided in order to learn Godot better, I'd complete Brackeys' tutorial and then add on it with new skills I would try to learn along the way. Here's a list of what I added to the initial tutorial:

- Two new levels

- Main menu and credits scenes

- Coyote time for nicer platforming feel

- A level completion condition when you collect all the coins in each level

- A pause menu (surprisingly, the hardest thing I worked on haha)

This is about four days worth of progress with a few hours per day. Most devs will accomplish much more in that time but I'm proud of what I was able to do. The pause menu took the longest time and had many failed attempts and I also made a double jump but it made the game too easy so I omitted that from this game. So far I've learned a lot about Godot, game development, and how much work goes into even something as simple as this. I'm still a complete novice at this but if I keep at it I hope to start participating in game jams in a few months. My ultimate goal is to make a minimalist 2D precision platformer, at least one 3D platformer, and something cozy with my partner. It'll be some time before I do any of that but hey -- this is a start. :)


WASD / Arrow keys / left thumbstick / D-Pad - move

Spacebar / A (on Gamepad) - jump

Credits are in the game but a special shout-out to Brackeys for really helping demystify some aspects of Godot and interpreting GDScript in a way that even an idiot like me can wrap my head around. Also special shout-out to YC for supporting me and believing in me no matter how crappy my games are. Lastly, shout-out to you for playing this mess of a game and thank you for giving it a shot. I can only get better from here. Now, I guess I should start making that minimalist 2D platformer I mentioned earlier...Wish me luck!

If anyone reading this has suggestions for resources they use to learn Godot leave me a comment below and if any savvy Godot vets out there want to mentor me through this learning process that would be awesome!


Knight from camelot_, Slime from dungeonSprites_, World Tileset and Fruit from Four Seasons Platformer Tileset, Platforms and Coin from Four seasons platformer sprites.

MUSIC in Level 1 by Brackeys, Sofia Thirslund

Music in Level 2, Level 3, Main Menu, and Credits by Sam Pixels

SOUNDS by Brackeys, Asbjørn Thirslund

FONTS by Jayvee Enaguas - HarvettFox96

In case anyone's interested, you can find me on my YouTube channel where new videos will be released in 2024, including an upcoming one that highlights some of my experience making this game and learning Godot!

Published 3 days ago
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Made withGodot
TagsGodot, Short, Singleplayer

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